About Me

Digital Marketing Strategist by Day | Supermom-in-training

Geetanjali Thakur
2 min readAug 25, 2024
That's how I look on good days :)

Once upon a time, in a faraway land (yep, I am from India), I embarked on a journey with nothing but a cup of coffee, an overambitious to-do list about ideas I want to talk about on Medium and a dream—to balance the beautiful chaos of motherhood with a flourishing career. Spoiler alert: I’m still trying to figure out how to do that without turning into a superhero or at least acquiring an extra set of arms.

I’m a seasoned performance marketer by day, scaling the peaks of Amazon and other marketplaces for one of India’s leading Consumer Health brands — while wielding my ad budget like a mighty sword (or sometimes a very delicate feather, depending on the month).

By night, I trade in my corporate hat for a mom cape, mastering the art of negotiation with my toddler—because trust me, convincing a 2.5-year-old to eat broccoli is a skill worth listing.

In my spare time, which I hear is a thing people have, I write articles on Medium, where I dish out tips, tricks, and the occasional tale of woe from the trenches of digital marketing. Sometimes I also write about the corporate world and what I have learnt so far in my journey.

So, what can I do for you? Well, if you need someone who can optimize your ad campaigns, craft killer content, or simply share war stories about the parenthood-marketing battlefield, I’m your person. Just don’t ask me how I manage it all—because the secret is… I don’t. But I’m having a blast trying!



Geetanjali Thakur

On a Treasure Hunt to find Work-Life Balance | Helping Moms Navigate their Careers Better